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Subject: Serious issue with Bonus rooms

Dear Jagex,

there is still a serious issue with the bonus room system. Sometimes when we play a dungeon we get stuck on doors that unable to open for anyone within my party. It requires a skill level that is not possible to gather with any potion inside the dungeon. As the bonus rooms have a dramatic impact on the overall experience we're able to get, it MUST BE OUR decision if we take the bonus or not. Currently the game takes the decision away from us, as there doors that impossible to open at all.

This in my opinion is a serious bug.

It is very very frustrating when playing a big dungeon for around two or three hours to reach a door that tells you "Sorry you wasted your time, you don't get full bonus".

Ok, someone will tell: "This is to keep you train all other skills too"
Then i would answer: "Ok, then i should start Dungeoneering when i reached Level 99 in all other skills, because only then i am sure i can open all doors i might get ?"

I'm willing to understand that this bug is not going to be fixed for free player, but for paying players this bug must be fixed !!!

Don't understand me wrong, i would be happy to find a door that requires the (for my level) maximum potion to open it. Even mixing a potion to plant a herb, to make a potion to be able to plant a herb to mix a potion (extend as you like) to unlock the door would make me happy, BUT it must be possible to open the door !!!

I would understand, that when i started the dungeon with 5 players, one with high agility for example, and this player left the dungeon that the dungeon will have a agility door that is impossible to open, BUT if i start with 5 players and end with 5 players ALL doors must be openable !!!

So there must be a calculation when a dungeon is stated, that takes into account:

  • the maximum herblore level all players possible to get (including potions)
  • the maximum farming level all players possible to get (including potions)
  • this results in the maximum potion my team is able to mix
  • maximum required skill level for a room/door MUST be less or equal the maximum level of all players in skill <x> + maximum possible potion

or introduce other ways to open that door, like:

  • end boss drops a super duper hyper potion(s) to open the door(s)
  • door option to spawn a "semi boss" that once killed drops the key to the door
  • find fragments of a key that needs other skills to complete the key (like while guthix sleeps)
  • etc. etc.

with kind regards,
